
Real-Time Trading Research

Stock Trader Virtual Platform VR

11 April 2019

Stock Trader Virtual Platform VR is an immersive and professional work space for banking and stock traders. The mixed reality project was in conjunction with the design for a purpose-built auditorium (virtual reality cave) as part of the architectural proposal for the SwissQuote HQ presented in 2019. 

The auditorium can extend the seating tiers into the 360-degree presentation screen for stereoscopic viewing of the immersive content. The immersive work space was designed for the bank to invite its visitors and stakeholders to communicate with off-site and onsite transaction partners, to monitor complex derivatives and market segments, and to review recorded transactions and team performance all in real-time. 

A novel 27 channel sound system and a high dynamic LED matrix display enables the participants to have a fully immersive experience and portable augmented reality headsets are quickly reaching design maturity for us to envisage porting the platform to a mobile user and the third group of the bank’s stakeholders – the individual investors. 

Within the immersive platform, each registered participant can access their own profile and portfolio while the visualised and interactive 3D graph of stock market data allows the participant to review the project’s data exchange from a holistic point of view. Multiple virtual screens can be used for monitoring, reviewing and presentation purposes for both single/ private and multipresence/ public occasions.



VR content developed by
Zaha Hadid Virtual Reality Group (ZHVR)